The pictures below show the stages involved in uprating this Morgan radiator and giving it a new lease of life
Here at Motoradsonline it has been a while since we worked on a Morgan radiator, then out of the blue we see two in a very short space of time. The first we saw was a complete rebuild of a customers very poorly built aluminium unit. With the unit as a pattern and some details from the customer we made a brand new unit in copper and brass, our customer left happy. So happy in fact that he recommended us to another Morgan owner who popped in last week.
The radiator seen above was in reasonable condition but struggling to cool the larger Morgan engine. We had a look at the modern cores available and the thicker, more efficient core seen in the picture was selected. The Old radiator was stripped down to its component parts and cleaned back to bare metal. The parts were then carefully soldered back together before being fully tested and given a coat of paint.
If your Morgan radiator is looking tired or not working efficiently why not get in touch to see how we can help you. We can also make a new heater matrix to a pattern at a very reasonable price if you are out in the winter and getting cold.
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